Volume 2, Issue 2, December 2023


Dr Caroleena Janefer
Assistant Professor, ST ALOYSIUS (Deemed to be university), Mangalore
Dr Bharathi R
Assistant Professor, ST ALOYSIUS (Deemed to be university), Mangalore
Mr Akshith Kumar
Assistant Professor, ST ALOYSIUS (Deemed to be university), Mangalore

Published 2024-06-17


  • Awareness, consumer behaviour, eco-friendly, sustainability.

How to Cite

Janefer, D. C., R, D. B., & Kumar, M. A. (2024). GREEN HORIZON: EXPLORING THE SHIFT TO SUSTAINABLE CONSUMER CHOICES. Kristu Jayanti Journal of Management Sciences (KJMS), 2(2), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.59176/kjms.v2i2.2355


The global economy places a higher value on environmentally friendly items; as a result, corporate organisations adjust their strategies and consumer behaviour is also studied. This study is focused on determining consumer shift to sustainable consumer choices in Mangalore City. The study also analyses the factors which influence their trust in sustainable consumption. A total of 209 respondents are selected for the study based on simple random sampling. The results demonstrate that Awareness of environmental impact of single-use plastic has high correlations with Awareness (r=0.251, p0.01). The mean ratings of the factor which contributes towards sustainable consumption were in the range of 4.06 to 3.2 with S.D 1.209 to 0.921. The findings highlight the crucial role of awareness, freedom of choice, and effective communication in driving sustainable consumption practices. The key finding - a positive correlation between heightened awareness of plastic's environmental impact and its influence on product selection - reinforces the power of informed decision-making.


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