Volume 1, Issue 1, 2021

Supervised Learning Algorithms: A Comparison

Deva Kumari A.
Dept. of Computer Science, Kristu Jayanti College, Autonomous
Prem Kumar Josephine
Dept. of Computer Science, Cambridge Institute of Technology
Prakash V. S.
Dept. of Computer Science,Kristu Jayanti College,Autonomous
Divya K. S.
Dept. of Computer Science, Kristu Jayanti College, Autonomous

Published 2020-11-03


  • supervised learning, co-linearity, exceptions/outliers, hyper parameters

How to Cite

A., D. K., Josephine, P. K., V. S., P., & K. S., D. (2020). Supervised Learning Algorithms: A Comparison. Kristu Jayanti Journal of Computational Sciences (KJCS), 1(1), 01–12. https://doi.org/10.59176/kjcs.v1i1.1259


Artificial Intelligence is logical systems where the PCs figures out how to take care of an issue, without unequivocally program them. Machine learning is a subset of AI where machines learn based on the data fed to them. A relative report over various AI managed procedures like Linear Regression, K nearest neighbours, Logistic Regression, Decision Trees, Random Forest, Support Vector Machine and Naive Bayes are made in this paper. The correlation depends on assumptions, influences of co-linearity and exceptions, hyper-parameters, shared examination.


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