Volume 3, Issue 1, 2023

Challenges and Opportunities in Multilingual Sentiment Analysis: Beyond English

Dr Bharathi. V
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science(PG), Kristu Jayanti College,Bengaluru.
Dr. R. Lakshmi Devi
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Applications, Women’s Christian College, Chennai
Ephraim Godfrey
Department of Computer Science(PG), Kristu Jayanti College,Bengaluru
Sohan Immanuel
Department of Computer Science(PG), Kristu Jayanti College,Bengaluru
Sophy Jose
Department of Computer Science(PG), Kristu Jayanti College,Bengaluru
Sohan Immanuel
Department of Computer Science(PG), Kristu Jayanti College,Bengaluru

Published 2023-12-31


  • Sentiment Analysis, Multilingual Sentiment Analysis (MSA), Social Media.

How to Cite

V, D. B., Lakshmi Devi, D. R., Godfrey, E., Immanuel, S., Jose, S., & Immanuel, S. (2023). Challenges and Opportunities in Multilingual Sentiment Analysis: Beyond English. Kristu Jayanti Journal of Computational Sciences (KJCS), 3(1), 30–37. https://doi.org/10.59176/kjcs.v3i1.2310


With the advent of the World Wide Web, individuals have made extensive use of blogs, social media, and website comments to voice their opinions about a wide range of topics. It becomes clearer and clearer how complicated and advantageous multilingual sentiment analysis of social media is. Sentiment analysis research is expanding incredibly quickly. Due to the wide range of cultural and linguistic backgrounds on the web, analysis of sentiment in English alone is not adequate. This has a big influence on the study of social media and the use of social listening. Multilingual sentiment analysis assists businesses in overcoming language barriers and capturing priceless insights in real-time by realizing that sentiment is inextricably tied to language and culture. This paper is a review on multi-language sentiment analysis, which was presented by many studies published over the last decade addressing the difficulties and possibilities.


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