Volume 3, Issue 1, June 2023
Literature Review

Proficient Management of Agricultural waste: Sustainable Wealth from Waste

Manikandan Kathirvel
Department of Life Sciences, Kristu Jayanti College, Autonomous, Bengaluru, Karnataka- 560077
Avni Madan
Department of Life Sciences, Kristu Jayanti College, Autonomous, Bengaluru, Karnataka- 560077

Published 2024-07-08


  • <i>Agriculture Waste, Waste Valorisation, Bioactive Compounds, Bio fuel, Bio electricity</i>

How to Cite

Kathirvel, M., & Madan, A. (2024). Proficient Management of Agricultural waste: Sustainable Wealth from Waste. Kristu Jayanti Journal of Core and Applied Biology (KJCAB), 3(1), 31–40. https://doi.org/10.59176/kjcab.v3i1.2366


This review emphasises the convergence of environmental sustainabiiity and economic feasibility, highlighting the transformative potential of turning agrcultural waste into valueadded products. Even though they are frequently vewed as waste, agricultural residues can be rethought and repurposed through creative methods to produce valuable goods like biofuels, organic fertilisers, and biodegradable rmaten'als. It examines the various uses of agrtuttural waste, an asset that is often disregarded, across a range of industries, with an emphass on the generation of bioelectrt ity, medicinal uses, and the extraction of anti-oxidant and anti-cancer substances. Using cutting-edge technologies to generate bioelectricity from agricultural waste not only solves environmental issues but also provides a sustainable energy source. Concurrently the pharmaceutical industry gains from the separation of bioactive elements from agricultural waste, whch acts as a replenshable supply of antioxidants and possible antitumor agents. This multidisciplinary strategy promotes improvements in pharmaceutical research while both reducing waste and demonstrating the adaptability of agricultural waste in fulfilling energy requrrements. By addressing the issues of waste management, this paradigm shift towards the use of agrowaste also advances the creation of a circular economy. In order to fully reaiise the potenta l of agrowaste and promote a more resourceefficient and sustainable agriculture industry while opening up new opportunities for economic growth that hold promise for major positive ej ects on the environment and human health, the abstract emphasises the significance of continued research, technological advancements, and cooperative initiatives.


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