Vol 3, (2023)

Guns or Roses? - The reality of gun control policy in the United States of America

Nikitha Kishore
Loyola College Chennai
Ramya. B
Associate Professor, Department of History, Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru

Published 2023-12-31


  • Gun Policy, Second Amendment, United States.

How to Cite

Kishore, N. ., & B, R. . (2023). Guns or Roses? - The reality of gun control policy in the United States of America. Kristu Jayanti Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (KJHSS), 3, 15–23. https://doi.org/10.59176/kjhss.v3i0.2318


The United States has the highest gun ownership rate in the world, with over 390 million civilian-owned firearms in circulation. The country's gun policy has been a source of controversy and debate for decades, with advocates on both sides of the issue arguing about the best way to balance individual rights and public safety. The Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States guarantees the right to bear arms. Numerous federal and state statutes regulate who can own firearms, where they can be carried, and what kinds of weapons are permissible. Some of the most contentious issues include background checks, access to assault weapons, and mental health screening for gun owners. Despite numerous mass shootings and other incidents of gun violence, the US has struggled to pass comprehensive gun control legislation due to political polarization and opposition from pro-gun groups. The ongoing debate highlights the complex and deeply ingrained cultural, social, and political factors that shape the country's approach to gun policy. This paper analyzes the gun policy in America and the need for change. This is done by focusing on the recent trends in the world and by forecasting possible solutions to curb the issue of gun violence. Thus, the research question emphasized here is how to control gun violence in America with a focus on gun laws.


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