Vol 3, (2023)

Unvoiced Palpitations: Discernment of Protest and Resistance

Susan Sanny
Principal Nitte International School, Yelahanka, Bangalore

Published 2023-12-31


  • Patriarchy, Tradition, Identity, Marginalised, Feminine psyche, Role constructs, Resilience.

How to Cite

Sanny, S. . (2023). Unvoiced Palpitations: Discernment of Protest and Resistance. Kristu Jayanti Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (KJHSS), 3, 52–57. https://doi.org/10.59176/kjhss.v3i0.2323


Discernment against womenfolk has been a matter of debate. Caught in an intricate web of the patriarchal world, women face immense hurdles on their way toward the realization of their ambition. An attempt has been made to see how a woman is tutored for a subsidiary role and how her persona is acclimatized into a subordinate role right from her childhood. Living in different circumstances, women suffer a lot at the hands of patriarchy and become victims of authoritarianism, oppression, and suppression which diminish their existence into oblivion. Not only the society but also the kinsfolk consider them inferior in comparison to their male counterparts. The denigrating plight of numerous women to abject poverty, dispossession, and sexual battering corresponds with the impact of industrialization leading to the wreckage and worsening of women's lives on the grounds of sex and class. This paper examines the novel Nectar in a Sieve written by Kamala Markandaya which deals chiefly with the woman's intrinsic and extrinsic role, exposing the myriad acts of discrimination meted out to women and also capturing the stirrings of feminine displeasure against such role constructs.


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