Submission Guidelines

Choose standard A4 size in Page Layout with 1 inch margins on all sides having Single line spacing throughout

Contents should be in MS Word and font Times New Roman, Font size 12

Title of the paper should be in Bold with font size 20 and should not be in italics

Subheading to the title if any, should be in bold and without italics with font size 14

Section heading should be in Uppercase, bold without italics and of font size 12.

Full Name of the author(s), designation, e-mail id and affiliation should be in Bold and centered at the top of the paper followed by the Abstract and the Key words.

Abstracts must not exceed 300 words and should be of font size 10 with no italics and in bold.

Keywords: Provide up to 6 keywords in font size 9, italicized and in bold

Table name and figure name if any should be in font size 8 and bold.

Full papers should be with a minimum word limit of 3000 and a maximum word limit of 4000 words including references

Page numbers should be in the top right hand corner along with the last name of the author

References: Font size 8, Justified, Numbering should be from 1 to 10. All submissions should follow the 8th edition of MLA style sheet for submissions related to the fields of Languages and Literatures and APA style sheet for all other disciplines.

Soft copy of the abstract and full paper should be mailed to:

Declaration stating the originality of the article with the author details, postal address and phone contact details should be attached as a separate page in the beginning of the document

The Selected papers will be peer reviewed and evaluated based on originality and relevance to the scope and focus of the Journal.

Authors should keep in mind the following points:

Technical papers submitted for publication must advance the state of knowledge and must cite relevant prior work.
The length of a submitted paper should be commensurate with the importance or should be appropriate to the complexity of the work.
Declaration stating the originality of the article with the author details.